Targets/Goals? Record-keeping?

  • So, Matt is a ball hair off hitting his £9k profit target for 2015 (as I type this), clearly that will be smashed imminently and is really inspirational stuff!

    I started Match Betting “properly” in October (by which I mean dedicating several hours a week to it) and I have a £1,500 target for the end of December (£500 per month). I think I will manage that and maybe a wee bit more, so I as just curious to know if others have targets? What is realistically achievable for you?

    Also, does anyone else keep records of it all? I have a Google spreadsheet that has details of every account I have opened, every deposit/transfer I have made and every bet I have placed/laid. It’s definitely my OCD that makes me do it, but I do quite like a nice neat, up-to-date record of it all – am I alone in that?! 🙂

    Stay profitable!

  • New to matched betting?

    My Matched Betting Academy is the best place to get started. Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Learning the fundamentals takes 10-15 minutes and you’ll make £15 in the process.

    Tony 12

    I have mentioned it to a few mates – some of whom even like a bet, but a lot of them just don’t seem interested, or worse still, they don’t seem to ‘get it’. I have directed a fair few of them to Matt’s blog as it’s all written down here, in plain to understand terms.

    As for family, I don’t even mention it to them – they would not understand at all and frankly it would be more trouble than it is worth trying to explain it to them! Once I bank a bit more profit I will simply hand the wife a wedge of money and try to explain it to her then, as whether or not she ‘gets it’, the money should sweeten the deal 🙂

    Tony 12

    Guppyboy “it’s amazing how all the little £5 free bets add up”

    Soooo true – when i first discovered Matt’s blog and took a look at his P&L stats I have to say that I shirked a little at the £3-£6 profits, but it is only by going through the motions to make these little, but often profits that you can really boost your profit column! Not every MB offer will net you £10+ and I think that is something that new starters would do well to remember.

    It can seem like a bit of a chew placing and laying, say, 4 bets, just to make £4 profit out of an offer, but you really have to to get the most out of it all.

    Also tend to agree about good records being hugely motivational – proper nerdy, but I have profit graphs and allsorts on my spreadsheet and I definitely think that they make the whole experience more enjoyable in a weird kind of way. YMMV

    JDUBU 2

    Hey thank you for the reply ah i see what are the requirements to get the invite only offers?i would love to be making that sort of money each month 🙂

    Tony 12

    No requirements as such, seems to be hit and miss as to whether you get sent these emails or not. The Sky £50 free bet is the biggest free bet I have heard of (so far) and I am just lucky to have been sent an email offering it twice so far it seems. I certainly don’t do anything fancy at Sky Bet in terms of other gambling etc…

    More common are the “we’ve missed you, here’s a free £10 bet” emails that many bookies will send you after a period of inactivity on your account.

    Stims 0

    Started in September and i use Ultimatcher to keep track of everything.
    September: £548.68
    October: £258.71
    November: £537.26

    And one day into December: £150+

    That’s with some pretty costly mistakes, chasing losses multiple times and gambling over £200 away in november alone. Need to keep my discipline more now.

    Dockie 4

    Gman, likewise my friends and family who like a bet know what I do but don’t understand it and they like the thrill of the win so stick to normal betting. Been there, hate losing money, so this is for me.
    Having said that one of my pals is having a bad few months betting wise so is coming over at the weekend for an intro into matched betting! Might charge.

    JDUBU 2

    Hey some really interesting stuff on this page thank you everyone. I don’t suppose somebody could be so kind and send me there template to keep track of wins/losses?i would like to start keeping track from now on 🙂

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